NIS 2012 Error 3048,3 possibly caused by Windows Update?

I have received the Error 3048,3 pop-up a couple of times now, I ran Norton Power Eraser as recommended and the scan found no threats. This Error started appearing on the same day I downloaded and installed some monthly Windows updates( I'm running Windows 7). My NIS 2012 is in the green and says system status secure so should I just ignore the Error pop-up or should I get some help with this issue?

I thought all of my problems had been resolved yesterday - but now I'm getting a flag each time I log on that there's a problem with my Norton product. Plus, I do NOT have a desktop shortcut to NIS! LiveUpdate doesn't seem to be running on it's own, either. I've gone to my Norton Account a number of times - allowed it to download NIS itself - it gave me NIS 2011. I chose my own product (NIS 2012) and I got another download - still no desktop icon. Still don't believe LiveUpdate is running on it's own.

NIS is 20.?.? now, I think.

What's going on?!   




My problems began with the Norton Update Aug 21 2012 and was compounded by Windows update that happened right after that.




As long as this Error 3048,3 happens only rarely, you may have nothing to worry about.  I had this error occur during either a quick scan or one of the LiveUpdate sessions with my newly installed upgrade NIS, the same day that I installed it.   The product indicated afterward that it and my computer were secure.  No other large problems have occurred since, except maybe one about reaching 100% CPU when I make certain combination of choices on NIS; but generally no change between before or after upgrade.  


Reports about this error have been posted in a few messages on the forum.

Several runs of power eraser and reinstalls later, and usless time spent on live chat support, I'm still getting this error message...time to switch to trend micro, or some product that actually has support...