NIS 2012 gone Haywire

I have been battling NIS 2012 for 2 days now. All 3 of my pc’s came up with errors that requested that I needed to uninstall/reinstall NIS 2012. On 2 of them it seemed to work fine but now they seem sluggish. They both reinstalled to v19.2.0.10 and they won’t update to v19.5.


The major problem…

1 of my PC’s will not update past v19.1.1.3 and when I attempt to go into “Settings” it displays; error 3040, 40028 which it cannot automatically fix nor I find any fixes when I click on “Support” and check your website. The only information regarding “error 3040, 40028” seems to be in previous versions and “Nathan” the virtual repair program keeps insisting that I uninstall/reinstall. The first time the automated uninstall/reinstall tool (NRnR.exe) did not work and I had to use the older “Norton Removal Tool”.


After that uninstall/reinstall was completed I again received the same error’s above. This time I ran the automated uninstall/reinstall tool (NRnR.exe) with success but still received the same errors again. The Third time the support session advised me to use the “Norton Eraser Tool” which found no issues. After uninstalling/reinstalling again I found myself back to the same errors.


After using the Norton Removal Tool again I shut the computer down and gave up for the night. Can you advise me as to what is going on here??? I never was able to update past v19.1 on this 1 particular computer and the same errors kept reappearing. I am frustrated to say the least.