NIS 2012 Stopped Functioning

NIS 2012 had been running fine until I did a secure erase of my HDD and then restored my OS, programs, data, etc. from my backup image.  Out of the blue an NIS dialog box popped up saying "Critical Error".  I didn't write the error down.  I think it was either 3015,1 or 3051,1.  At first I ignored the message because I thought NIS was complaining about something being wrong with my PC and I knew there was nothing the matter with it.  But then Windows 7 alerted me that NIS had stopped functioning and that I was without virus protection.  Sure enough, when I tried to run NIS nothing happened.  No error message, nothing.  So I ran the Norton Removal Tool and rebooted the PC.  Then I reinstalled NIS.  The installation appeared to run but when I clicked on the "Explore" button at the end, nothing happened.  No error message, just nothing.  Clicking on the NIS program icon also resulted in no response whatsoever.  At this juncture I have removed NIS from the PC and I am using a different anti-virus program.  If anyone has any ideas, great.  Otherwise just consider this as an FYI in case anyone else reports similar behavior in the future.