I have just spoken to Norton Support and they have verified that the NIS 2012 19.9.09 Update  has been delayed ...


Norton has delayed implementation of this update worldwide.   Reason: Unknown.


I have asked Norton Technical Support to forward  message updates  to the Norton Forum administrators to keep 

the community members current of the status and when the software update will be implemented.


 Here are details of the update ...   It  fixes a issue that I am currently experiencing... I am currently reluctant to install 2013.



- Added full Windows 8 compatibility

- Performance enhancements for Internet Explorer 10

- Fixed a Symantec Service Framework error that may have occurred when changing firewall rules (forum thread)

- Fixed an issue where scanning large external hard drives showed only "1 file scanned"

- Fixed an issue where Identity Safe Cards fills the same locations for Country & County fields

- Corrected the Google Chrome-specific issue where Norton Toolbar does not load when Google Instant is ON (link)
- Corrected the issue where customer is logged out of IDS despite setting a log out time of 15 mins (link)
- Better handling of login sites where username / password span multiple inputs
- Corrected an issue where the Password field was getting saved with "Password" string instead of customer input
- Corrected the issue where All logins listed in toolbar didn’t get refreshed unless the open browser session was restarted
- Corrected the issue where it was unable to change Identity Safe password
- Long passwords are accepted in recent Online Vault UI (link)
- Corrected the issue where customers remain logged into Norton Account even though they had unchecked Remember Password option from Create New Norton Account UI
- Corrected the issue where customers were not prompted to fill the card details using the saved data in IDsafe in My Account page (link)
- Corrected the issue where customer’s login got filled in the Edit Phone Numbers page in
- Corrected the issue where Last Submitted Login got autofilled when trying to overwrite the filled login (link)
- Corrected the issue where Update Password infobar does not appear when password is attempted to change for a saved login