Sometimes I put my PC to 'sleep' when I'm not going to use it for couple of hours. I don't shut it down because it's so quick to wake it up from the 'sleep'.
After installing NIS 2013, as Symantec offered the update for me, my NIS has started to crash on those days when I have used the stand-by mode. It crashes couple of hours after the waking up. Windows just reports that Symantec Service Framework has stopped its working and must be shut down to protect the system. I click 'close program' (or whatever it is in English as I'm using Finnish versions of Windows Vista and NIS 2013) and then the NIS runs again and works.
But today it crashed when I tried to go to watch safety history. It didn't load the history and when I clicked the software window, it went black. I clicked again and Windows reported that Symantec Service Framework doesn't respond anymore. I clicked 'close program' and NIS ran again. But that didn't help. The safety history hanged again after that. I had to reset my computer as the restart didn't work. Today I haven't used the stand-by mode.
What is wrong with my NIS? I'm starting to get little worried that sometimes it crashes when I'm not at the PC and won't protect the system.