NIS 2013 - Error 3048,3 after defrag

I have had NIS 2012 on my machine for awhile and I had set it up so it would go into silent mode when Perfect Disk 12.5 (disk defragger) is running.  That worked fine for as long as I had NIS 2012 installed.


I just upgraded to NIS 2013, which kept my NIS 2012 settings.  I ran live update and updated it until it had no more updates.  I then ran Perfect Disk and defragged my disk.  When I exited the program (which shuts off silent mode), Norton immediately popped up a "Error 3048,3" and said it couldn't solve the problem.  It took me to the Norton web site which said to run "Norton Power Eraser".  


I closed the support prompt and ran Live Update and it downloaded and installed updated web protections.  I ran it again and it said there was nothing to do.  I opened NIS and everything was green, but I chose to "Get Support" and it came back and told me everything was fine.


So basically I got the "3048,3" right after defragging.  Does this mean anything?  Is it a bogus error?