I am running Windows XP Home SP3 fully updated with Windows Update.
I have just updated my Norton Internet Security 2012 to 2013 (version
I thought everthing went well except if I click on Support - Get Support from the Norton Internet Security start screen, I get a Norton Autofix Attention flash screen followed by running Norton Autofix.
Norton Autofix checks the installation and then reports Running Installation Repair. It then reports Failed To Fix 1 Item with the following information:-
Norton Internet Security
Microsoft Windows XP
Norton Autofix Results: 1 item(s)
Installation :: Failed
If I then click on Open Support Web Site I get the "Your Norton product installation failed to complete" web page. I then downloaded and ran the Norton Remove & Reinstall tool but unfortunately this has made no difference.
I have also downloaded and ran the Norton Removal Tool followed by a reinstall using the downloaded installation file NIS-ESD-20-1-1-2-EN.exe and then LiveUpdate untill no more updates found, but again this has made no difference.
Can anybody offer any help and advice on this issue.