I'm beginning to get really pissed off with Symantec since NIS was released. I understand a patch was released Friday night for us U.S. citizen's I ran Live Update it said a patch was available. I let it apply the patch, restarted my pc and NIS still say's version Tonight I uninstalled NIS, restarted my pc and let Norton Management redownload and install NIS. I restart my pc and rerun Live Update yet again. Live Update, yet again say's a patch is available. I let it install it and click on restart now. I reopen NIS and it still say's version I rerun Live Update numerous time's with reboot's until no patches or updates are found. I then recheck and I've still have NIS
I think when I upgrade to Windows 8 Pro x64 in 2 weeks from Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64, that I'm going to be ditching Symantec and going with Bitdefender.
Every review I've seen on NIS 2013 by pc magazines and reliable pc website's all say NIS 2013 stinks.
At this point I fully agree.