NIS 2013 problems

I upgraded to 2013 on a machine where 2012 had some problems hoping that the new version would have fixed them but actually I think I am having even more problems...


For starters it took a VERY long time for the update in the saving your settings phase compared to a second machine I did the update where it only took a minute or so.


Then there were several error messages but reboots fixed those.


Then there ware a lot of permission requests for this or the other program to access the web that I have never seen with other versions.


LU never completed as the Web Protection ones (two) always fail to install. Others most of the times do sometimes they fail some other when tried again do.


I did run the fix option but did not find anything wrong.


The icon in the tray disappers often but a manual LU run bring is back I suspect it disappers when it runs and automatic LU and fails.


The apply updates at reboot option does not stay set.


Random errors are reported and one needs to reboot to get rid of them.


Sometimes all LU updates fail, 3 red crosses does not even process.


Overall looks like a pretty bad deal to me.