On 2 of my 3 Win7 machines the screen saver and sleep function do not work since upgrading to
NIS2013. Has anyone else noticed this?
The screen saver will come on for a few minutes only and then the desktop screen comes back up on my main office machine. On my laptop, same thing, but also a pop up that says Norton is performaning background tasks. The 3rd machine seems to be OK with it.
I have tried disabling almost every task that I can think of, but it still happens. As a test I engaged silent mode, and everything worked OK again, but silent mode is only temporary and it cannot be permanently turned off.
My annual subscription with Norton runs out in 28 days, so I am trialling other IS providers, Trend Micro for now.
If this is indeed true, it seems Norton have gone back to the bad old days of producing over aggressive software. I mean, do we really need background tasks running? Why?