NIS 2013 update damages NU16 install

Sometime earlier this evening  NIS 2013 updated itself and when I ran NU16 to do a cleanup I'm presented with the following messsage: "Core Product files(s) have been modified.  Please run SMart Update or reinstall the product." This issue has been brought up on another board in these forums. In my case todays NIS update seems to be the sole culprit for this problem.. And after reading those posts  I'm not going to attempt a reinstall - it's pointless. In addition running either live or smart update does nothing to remedy the issue I do expect for symantec to get on this ASAP and promptly issue a fix for this blunder. Ever since it's release NIS 2013 updates have been dogged with one buggy problem after another and now THIS.  I'm quickly loosing my patience and am getting sorely tired of having to trouble shoot the constant bugs maybe it's time to consider going with the competition.....


Footnote - After posting this message I checked another one of my computers - same exact problem. Symantec this foul-up is sitting square on your shoulders. I want this problems addressed and a fix issued ASAP.


Both pc's - Win7U SP1.