NIS 2013 update to version 20.4 revoked?

After doing a LiveUpdate I noticed there was a rather large download, of about 50MB.

This normally means there is a program update, so I looked into the map C:\Program Files\Norton Internet Security\Branding.

There I saw the version number of the update, something in the lines of

Strangely, after downloading the update the program did not ask for a reboot.

I still rebooted and.... after the reboot the map with version 20.4 was gone!

Is the update revoked or will there be an update shortly?


The number and release date of the next upgrade has not been announced. If I were to guess I'd have to say that you were an alpha test for an upgrade.

If that is the case, and I can't confirm that, the actual upgrade should be out soon.

[soon is defined as before Christmas] :smileywink:



Someone has reported that while the major version number did not change that the version number of one of the engines did go to 20.4 .... You might check for details -- in History?


After LiveUpdate and reboot the program just updated to version

At least that is what NIS says itself and what the engine version is (map name), branding is still the old version number.

Hi Hugh I just received a 7.17 mb live update to NIS  on a windows 7 64bit no restart is required but you must click on a apply pop up and apply the update note ran live update manually to get the update. So far it seems to running OK. ALF60 

Now announced officially at 5:35 .... 


As is customary -- English (don't know if that means USA only) at first and trickle feed.