NIS 2014 full system scan is not running as scheduled on Windows 8

On NIS 2014 Windows 8 Dell 17r laptop, the full system scan is set to run at 8pm and turn off the computer but isn't running as scheduled. Windows tasks scheduler error reporting and run Norton was modified to run at 8 pm. Am I missing something?

On NIS 2014 Windows 8 Dell 17r laptop, the full system scan is set to run at 8pm and turn off the computer but isn't running as scheduled. Windows tasks scheduler error reporting and run Norton was modified to run at 8 pm. Am I missing something?

wannano wrote:

On NIS 2014 Windows 8 Dell 17r laptop, the full system scan is set to run at 8pm and turn off the computer but isn't running as scheduled. Windows tasks scheduler error reporting and run Norton was modified to run at 8 pm. Am I missing something?


Are you doing the schedule in NIS or with the windows scheduler? What is the error message that windows is displaying?


Hi intesect, thank you so much for responding. I'll try what you suggested and let you know if it works.

Hi dickievans, I'm scheduling the scan in NIS. I modified the automatic windows schedule for maintenance and security programs to match the NIS schedule. There are no error reports in Windows after the change.

wannano wrote:

Hi dickievans, I'm scheduling the scan in NIS. I modified the automatic windows schedule for maintenance and security programs to match the NIS schedule. There are no error reports in Windows after the change.


If you have the same activity scheduled in both the Norton program and the windows scheduler I expect that you are getting a conflict. I'd recommend that you clear all  schedules involving security programs out of the windows scheduler and keep those in 360. Also, make sure that you have nothing else schedulled which might conflict with the 360 schedule.

Keep us posted

intesec wrote:

Hi wannano

Norton has an option to set Automatic Resume Delay (see image below), which may be causing the issue if the time delay passes the point where it is set to start the scan it has missed the start time.

Check what the Automatic Resume Delay is set to the default is 10 minutes, so if its still set to 10 minutes set the windows task scheduler to wake the computer at 7.45pm.


To override the idle time out setting (see image below), un-check only at idle time (see image below).

 idle  2.jpg



s scan  2.jpg


If the issue persists then to narrow down what is causing the issue can you disable the windows task scheduler and set the computer to never turn off uncheck idle time and set the Norton scan to run at a specific time interval, which can be set to one hour longer than the scan takes to complete.


The above images are from NIS 2012.


The question mark in the box can be clicked on to open a web page.






Hi intersec, I tried the to edit the General options in NIS 2014 and Windows Task Scheduler as suggested. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem. It may be the Windows Configurator settings. I need to research more on how to edit that task.  Thank you for your input...wannano

dickevans wrote:

wannano wrote:

Hi dickievans, I'm scheduling the scan in NIS. I modified the automatic windows schedule for maintenance and security programs to match the NIS schedule. There are no error reports in Windows after the change.


If you have the same activity scheduled in both the Norton program and the windows scheduler I expect that you are getting a conflict. I'd recommend that you clear all  schedules involving security programs out of the windows scheduler and keep those in 360. Also, make sure that you have nothing else schedulled which might conflict with the 360 schedule.

Keep us posted

I believe you are correct regarding conflicts between NIS 2014 and windows 8 scheduler. I am not able to edit the schedule in Windows Configurator this starts a task at 1:00 a.m. and another task at 3:00 a.m. I will look into this some more and will report back.

wannano, if you want to run a full scan at a time that suits you, you could always as suggested in intesec's post, tick do not schedule this scan, and run it manually whenever you wish.


That's what I do, while I'm having lunch.


This could work for you, if you're having scheduling conflicts.

I may be wrong, but I thought the Windows Task Scheduler was removed from the scheduling of scans with the changes made in 2012 to include Norton's own job manager that runs all the tasks that need to run at a scheduled interval.

This would do away with the conflict idea, as one should not be able to set up a scan schedule via the Windows Task Scheduler any longer.

yank wrote:

I may be wrong, but I thought the Windows Task Scheduler was removed from the scheduling of scans with the changes made in 2012 to include Norton's own job manager that runs all the tasks that need to run at a scheduled interval.

This would do away with the conflict idea, as one should not be able to set up a scan schedule via the Windows Task Scheduler any longer.

Thank you for responding. Sorry. I may not have provided enough information in my original post. Windows Task Manager still exists in Windows 8. Matching the schedule times in Win 8 with NIS 2014 on the HP g7 laptop fixed the failure to run a full scan and turn off issue for the HP. On the Dell 17r laptop there's a Win configuerator "thing" that didn't seem to be an issue on the HP. Running NIS 2014 full scan and turn off on HP desktops in Win 7 and matching the Win Task Sched times was also successful.  It is a little time consuming to manually run full scans during the day and I want systems cleaned before the next work day. I asked the users to leave their systems on when they leave for the day so the full scans could run and turn off their systems automatically. I hope this info helps to help me :)

F4E wrote:

wannano, if you want to run a full scan at a time that suits you, you could always as suggested in intesec's post, tick do not schedule this scan, and run it manually whenever you wish.


That's what I do, while I'm having lunch.


This could work for you, if you're having scheduling conflicts.

Thank you for your suggestion :)

Hi wannano,


I'm sorry, but I thought we were talking about the Windows Task Scheduler ( as mentioned in your first post and also by dickevans). 


I have zero experience in Win 8, so do not understand what you are talking about in regards to "Matching the schedule times in Win 8 with NIS 2014" in Windows Task Manager.  The functions of Task Manager in Win 8 must be really diffrent from what the Task Manager can do in Win 7 - unless I am missing something I should know about in Win 7 Task Manager. 


Also your "Win configuerator "thing"" has gone right over my head.  Only thing I can find on that on Google appears to be some kind of add-on tweaking program.


So, since I it appears I confused the issue with mention of the Windows Task Scheduler, I'll apologize for the comment and back out of this thread.

yank wrote:

Hi wannano,


I'm sorry, but I thought we were talking about the Windows Task Scheduler ( as mentioned in your first post and also by dickevans). 


I have zero experience in Win 8, so do not understand what you are talking about in regards to "Matching the schedule times in Win 8 with NIS 2014" in Windows Task Manager.  The functions of Task Manager in Win 8 must be really diffrent from what the Task Manager can do in Win 7 - unless I am missing something I should know about in Win 7 Task Manager. 


Also your "Win configuerator "thing"" has gone right over my head.  Only thing I can find on that on Google appears to be some kind of add-on tweaking program.


So, since I it appears I confused the issue with mention of the Windows Task Scheduler, I'll apologize for the comment and back out of this thread.

Hi yank, please don't apologize. I really appreciate your comment and hoped that my detailed explanation would not only help you but also help me make my situation clearer for further feedback. Thank you for taking the time to search for a solution. Any additional comment from you is most welcome.

Thanks for posting info about this related to Win 8. 


I'm running Win 7 with no plans to update but am interested in the Task Scheduler as it relates to possible differences between 7 and 8.  I've been told some things about 8 and how it's limited from the standpoint of Registry omissions that are available in 7, ie, unattended sleep timeout registry value (adjustable by the user), and if one can revert some shortcut key functions such as the "alt-tab" order, etc.


It's one reason I haven't been considering going to Win 8(.1) in the foreseeable future.

Scoop8 wrote:

Thanks for posting info about this related to Win 8. 


I'm running Win 7 with no plans to update but am interested in the Task Scheduler as it relates to possible differences between 7 and 8.  I've been told some things about 8 and how it's limited from the standpoint of Registry omissions that are available in 7, ie, unattended sleep timeout registry value (adjustable by the user), and if one can revert some shortcut key functions such as the "alt-tab" order, etc.


It's one reason I haven't been considering going to Win 8(.1) in the foreseeable future.

Hi Scoop8, you are welcome :)