I have worked Beta Testing for Symantec in the past, so I'm aware of development cycles and constant improvement. However, Internet Explorer 10 (and earlier IE) all are susceptible to freezing when the JAVA (I believe it's JAVA and not Active-X) interface of the Vault launches a prompt. These prompt are suggestions to "Log into the Vault to save info for this page" or "Fill with Identity Card". Because these messages hang at the very top, unbidden by the User, they may not be seen as one is trying (already) to deal with the webpage form. IF NOT ACTED ON within 15 seconds or so, the browser freezes. This is a reported issue since NIS 2012. However, NIS 2013 WISELY had a Setting where one could turn off the prompts. That setting said something like <Suggest login to Vault>. That one setting was really a good work-around to browser freeze from the JAVA prompts.
Now, in NIS 2014, that setting is gone. Why? I went onto Chat with Norton and the representative suggested I could downgrade to NIS 2013. Would solve the missing setting issue but means I will have to go find another Internet Security software for the coming year, doesn't it? Can someone please take this issue to the Development Team and status this discussion thread? Thanks!