NIS Disconnects From Internet


NIS 21 (2014) version keeps disconnecting from the internet after a couple of minutes, "BUT ONLY" when playing multiplayer online games such as bf3, bf4 beta, cod etc... and then I have to reboot.  Surfing the web is fine, watching videos, downloading files no problem.  But when I fire up a game I get maybe 5 minutes play before I`m disconnected from the internet then need to reboot to get back online.  


I have allowed all game .exe and anticheat .exe through the firewall programme rules (i.e Allow Direction In/Out, Protocol All)

I have tried excluding all game and related .exe and drivers from SONAR and scanning.

I have tried with the firewall, SONAR and Intrusion prevention turned off.

I have used Norton Insight to trust all files on this computer which is clean.

Turned off automatic live update.


Currently I have reverted back to NIS 20 (2013) version and have no problems.  I have tried the 3 builds of NIS 21 (2014) and have encountered the same problem.  I have used norton av/nis since 2008 as my primary security software and have never encountered any problems of note certainly nothing like this.


I would appreciate any suggestions or advise thats offered.


Regards; colwood