NIS idle background task



I received the patch yesterday and I noticed something strange.

I have always had the Identity Safe feature disabled in all previous versions of NIS (19, 20, &

When I looked at the Performance Tab, section Norton Tasks, the Identity Safe maintenance task always ran every week and had a status of " failed to complete" which is normal because disabled.

Now with the latest version, this task has the following status:


Ran during idle:  No

Status:                Complete

Duration: always 5:00 minutes

& the most important part, the time shown corresponds to the time I boot or restart the pc. (Each time the pc boots this task has already ran).


This is reproducible on both W7 x64 pc's and I can tell with certitude that both my pc's booting time is about 40 seconds or less and there is no HDD activity showing that that task is running for 5 minutes at boot.

I think that there is maybe a change in NIS Engine x64 latest version BUT the time showing that that task is running for 5 minutes is erroneous.

Is anyone else seeing this (you must disable Identity Safe in NIS GUI)???

Is there a change in the latest version or is it a bug??

Thanks in advance for any comments.

P.S. In both pc's, NIS is working correctly at the exception maybe of Norton Safe Web icons showing intermitttently. (IE 11), but that's maybe because Google changed again, a few days ago, the rendering of it's search results pages.

Symantec should take a look at that too.

