Over the last few weeks we have received calls from 12 customers, representing 40 computers, all having a probelm where they will lock up intermittently--to a point where they had to power down. Win7 will freeze and become completely non-responsive. Could not even do a ctrl-alt-del. The only common thread we could find is that were all on Win7, and all had NIS. After much research and trial and error, we have been able eliminate the problem by removing v
There are no problems If they are an older version of NIS--such as 19.x or 20.x. Also no problems if we reinstall an older version of NIS, or install completely different software. The lockup problems completely go away.
I have done a lengthy chat with tech support and got nowhere. He concluded that this could not possibly be true because--and I quote--'I have it at home and it runs just fine'!
I can't say for sure that every one of our customers with v is having this problem, but I CAN now say with confidence that everyone having this problem is running v
To calm the customers, we have spent untold hours putting them on older versions, and turning off automatic program updates. But not only is this a major waste of time, I'm also concerned that this step of turning off program updates might come back to bite us somehow down the road.
Any solutions or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! TIA