NIS 5 kicking me offline

The NIS 5 for Mas OS X Lion is kicking me out of my University's wifi within a few minutes of antivirus update, but then I can get re-established by remaking a connection. It's like it blocks my connection but then lets me back on. I admit the University does have some quirks in their wifi management that could have possibly resulted in this but it shouldn't explain why I would get kicked out. No log infos except for updates. Nothing that can really help. If I completely get rid of NIS, I get no issues. If I disable all features in NIS, it still occurs since the updates can't be turned off. Again, it only occurs on campus through wifi, and there is no log notifications of any kind about possible threats or problems with Norton. Again, I admit it almost has to be caused by the school but I was wondering if there is any work-arounds or possible bug on the NIS application side. I have reported this to my school a while back but haven't gotten a reply from the IT people. If it helps, my school renews wifi leases every 5-10 minutes, but when I get a problem, checking everything & logs only shows that NIS was just recently updated within a few minutes. On that note, I would like more control over when NIS updates (like only at night when I'm on my home network). I know I can force it not to, but it's not really something I want to be fiddling with and end up breaking a functionality of NIS. Just a thought for new features. Otherwise, I'm not too concerned with the problem.