NIS "Community Watch" Duration 2-hours, 33-minutes??

Just checked my NIS 2011 "Norton Tasks" screen (as I do nearly every night before shutdown).  Amazing.  It shows the  Duration for a "Community Watch" run ("Completed") as 2hr, 33min, 32 sec.  Wasn't run during idle, either.  How could it take that much time?  What could it be doing/looking for??

I've had some 30-minute ones in the past -- which I thought was highly unusual.  Most of the time, it's around 10-sec to around a minute or so, max.  But 2- 1/2 hours?  Can't remember even being on my computer that long today.

Doesn't show up on my NIS History log (under Community Watch -- previous "Feedback" one there was Jan. 6, and says "waiting"). Could this all be a mistake?

[Can't find anything on this at all from a Forum or Google Search.]

Any ideas?


[Win XP SP3; 2004 17" Toshiba Laptop, "dual-core" 3.1GHz, 1.5GB mem, 80GB HDD.  GHOST 14.]