NIS + Hotspotshield blocks Outlook

Norton Internet Security with Hotspotshield active works fine for webbrowsing (Explorer /Chrome, all work fine). But for email, I have to switch off Hotspotshield, otherwise Outlook does not work (message 'undeliverable'). The issue is that for Hotspotshield, one has to use port 993 for POP3 and 465 for SMTP. Outlook does not accept this, apparently because NIS monitors all ports for email but 993 and 465 are encrypted >> NIS is unable to monitor >> NIS blocks traffic through these ports. I hope I have understood all this correctly............

Question is, how can I exclude 993 and 465 from NIS monitoring? My logical guess is that this would be the solution for my problem.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ben Marselis