1. IDS ultra-slow/unresponsive after any extended period of use. Logout irrecoverable; will not log back in; demands first the Norton acct pw; which it refuses with "Network Error - check your connectivity" (nonsense).
2. Also IDS and/or NTB are severely slowing down/crashing FFX 16.0.2 itself. Not a connectivity issue, rather browser itself getting tied in knots.
Despite refusal to login to NIS vault (utterly crippling my workflow) I can login to the portal page no problem.
System restart seems to recover things upon initial login... only to flake out again after any period of screensaver lock.
System is Vista64, FFX 16.0.2, NIS 2013
After years of gentle commentary on this forum & loyal support (personal/corporate) of Norton product line patience is approaching exhaustion owing to chronic unreliability; buggy NIS-IDS performance seems to be the norm since online vault inception.