I have installed Trialware NIS 2010. Norton Internet Security was pre-installed on my computer.
My PC has single Hard Disk Drive (160MB) with two partitions 'C' (149MB) and 'D' (6.27GB).
The partition on this drive , i.e., 'D' has 901MB free space out of total 6.27 GB.
The PC has recovery system from system restore points and partition - 'D' is used for recovery system. D: Drive normally is the Recovery Partition, that the Manufacturer put there, for your computer to put it back to factory settings in case of System Crash. It is not for to save anything to; and it is not to compress and/or Index,, Disk Cleanup, use for Backup, Defrag or have System Restore turned on for it.
So, my question relates to when ever I install Norton Internet Security (NIS) 2010 or any/earlier versions, the free space in the Partition D get reduced in size by 1 or 2 or or 3 MB's. End result is that
the PC's Reliability and Performance Monitor shows warning that the Free space is less than 15 % and Low Disk Space may cause poor performance and Low Virtual memory errors .
This case happens only with Norton Internet Security (NIS) installation.
When I install McAfee Internet Security, the free space in the Partition D do not get reduced.
The Norton came installed on my PC system, so I prefer NIS.
So,why it happens only in case of NIS and not McAfee Internet Security.
How I can stop reduction of Free Space on Partition 'D'(Recovery Drive) when installing Norton Internet
Security.so that Warnings like Low Disk Space On Partition D do not come up .
I have not saved anything on Drive /or Partition 'D' . I have only installed Norton Internet Security and after the installation process the free disk space got lower than 15 % .and Free disk space lower than 15% creates an error.
Please Help