Hi , I am exhausted after 6 hours of trying to fix this issue. Please help out. I am not sure if this may be a corrupt install. All else works well except for the Insight files. After I shut down my HP PC laptop today , I powered on several hours later. Norton Forced me to update my NIS product. After doing so I found that : 1] The installation files were gone! This showed up under the Norton Program File in my Start menu and a desktop Shortcut installed after the update. 2] Also, the Insight page cannot read files. This may be a Norton temp. problem or due to the lack of the missing files above?? In order to restore my Installation files I decided to manually purchase a new 1 year NIS for 3 PC’s, as before.It was about 30 days to the due date. Had hoped that this would cause the installation files to be entered, but there are none. I have done a full Custom search and have only found the non working short cut to the files. It is odd as this short cut was placed on my desktop by Norton after the update. Thank you, in advance, for helping with this very frustrating problem.