NIS pre-installed on new PC

By way of introduction....


I have a new WIn 7 PC (only had it 5 days so far!) with Norton Internet Security preinstalled. Looks like it may have been installed sometime late last year judging by the dates on some of the files.


Anyway, I have not use Norton products since about 2004. Around then there was a problem with an infection that Norton didn't know how to get around. I think I found a solution to the specific problem on a forum somewhere. After that I didn't like Norton and went the way of free AVs (AVG then later on another PC, Avast). In the time I used free AVs, Norton products were getting worse apparently, in the way they used up system resources mainly as I recall.


Still this is here so at least for the year I will pay the subscription. And it is quite nice to have an integrated product rather than separate AV and firewall.


I couldn't find where the serial number and product key was, expecting it to be somewhere in the interface (being used to Avast). However, a quick search here and I found it by using the Account link, which opened up a web page showing this (having registered it when I first started to us the PC). Now I have made a copy of this, if I should ever need to reinstall NIS, can I use this information? And if I do where would I get the download?