Anyone else had to renew recently?
I clicked on the 'renew' link in the NIS 2014 app and it takes me to a renewal page in my norton account.
Currently there is a promo to try to get people to switch to 360 for the same price. I am not interested but want to buy the 3 year renewal circled on the left for NIS 3 year renewal 219 (AUD).
Nothing happens when I click the 'renwe' buttin after selecting the '3 year' radio button..
I can get the 1 or two year to work but not the three year. I have tried in many different browsers, tried going in through my norton account, tried via the management web interface, tried going directly to norton store.. Cant get it to work. Can only get the price to increasse by $10 occasionally.
I have spent three hours on this now and am completely fed up!!
Any ideas?
So annoyed I feel like putting in a pirate key. Why is it so hard?
Oh, and of course, visited all the support pages and there is nowhere I can send the below image to Symantec for a staff member to see what I am talking about to address the issue.. So what, am I expected to spend one hour trying to explain an obscure website fault to a low level support operator with no visual cues? As if!