NIS 2012 report status reports “safe” everything is green but Windows 7 (64 bit Ult) center gives errors for Anti spy, AV as well as Firewall. It says everything is switched off ?I ran NIS repair, NIS scan, malware bite and power eraser and found only an unknown ddl file : bcmwirmt.dll Ran a cloud scan but nothing.Unknown. Set the system back at an earlier date but after the restart got the same errors again. Is the system save as NIS says OK? But Windows reports that everything is switched off? What can I do to fix these errors? Thank you in advance
NIS 2012 report status reports “safe” everything is green but Windows 7 (64 bit Ult) center gives errors for Anti spy, AV as well as Firewall. It says everything is switched off ?I ran NIS repair, NIS scan, malware bite and power eraser and found only an unknown ddl file : bcmwirmt.dll Ran a cloud scan but nothing.Unknown. Set the system back at an earlier date but after the restart got the same errors again. Is the system save as NIS says OK? But Windows reports that everything is switched off? What can I do to fix these errors? Thank you in advance
Thanks for your respons. I used the fix but still get the 3 errors as reported earlier. The windows fix reports that there are issues with NIS. Realtime is switched off. Virus def's aren't up to date. But that isnt. NIS says it is OK .And I do have the latetst def's. It seems that there is something wrong with the communication. Any suggestions?
Hi janno,
Please try the following:
1. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Run.
2. In the Run dialog box, type the following text:
regsvr32 /u WMIUTILS.DLL (Please note space between 2 / and u W)
3. Click OK.
4. Restart the computer.
5. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs > Accessories > Run.
6. In the Run dialog box, type the following text:
regsvr32 WMIUTILS.DLL (Please note space between 2 W)
7. Click OK.
8. Restart the computer.
Let us know if this changes anything.
Thanks for your recommendation. Followed your instruction, computer confirmed the right entries, but I got the errors back after the second restart.
Further: Though that I had found a workaround. Did as follow: In NIS switched off the anti span module, went to the Windows errors and followed the command switching on NIS . Did that for all three errors. And the red cross and 3 errors disappeared. But after restarting the computer I got the errors back again. Frustrating… what could be wrong?
But more important what can I do to get it working again?
Help..I ran Malwaerbite again, used Powereraser again, I used the Microsoft fix as mentioned by Dudeskywalker twice. But even the fix gave me the same errors in the Windows center: although NIS 2012 reports everything fine Windows says NIS functions are switched off. Than I did what Yank wrote that regsvr32 thing. Also several times but the result is that I still get the red crosses in the Windows maintenance center. Even setting the computer back at an earlier data didn’t solved this problem. It seems as if NIS is not communicating with Windows. And even if NIS gives green flags it is very disturbing that Windows reports that the computer is not ok.
Switching off NIS manually and then switching on again (repair) in the Windows box let the red crosses disappear temporally. But after every startup the errors are there again. Seems that NIS is not communicating with Windows? What can I do more to get the communication between NIS and Windows working again?
Tried again.
1.Ran Malwarebite and Power Eraser in safe mode. No problems found
2.Did a system restore at least 3 weeks back
3.Restarted the system. Only error in Windows center NIS def's outdates. That's OK. That should be there.
4.Installed Windows updates, restarted only error NIS def's outdated. That OK again. Should be there.
5.Ran live update NIS went green and Windows gave no errors
6.I restarted the system and I got the 3 errors again
It seems that the last live update disturbs the communication between NIS 2012 and W7 (security center) Don't know why.
Any suggestions what to do? Next to everything I have already done?
A shot in the dark???
Any idea what was included in the last LiveUpdate? Perhaps your history ( recent History or LiveUpdate) may show in the details what was included and the possioble cause?
Also normally after a System Restore - it is suggested to uninstall, run the Norton removal tool and reinstall, however if you are game, prior to doing that, you could try to run the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool. This will remove your current product, reinstall the latest available version of your product and that alone, may get your updates back in sync since you ran system Restore.
Be advised I recommend you export your ID Safe Data right now (if yu use it for logins) as a precautionary measure.
Keep us posted.
I upgraded on 3 machines form NIS 2012 to NIS 2013. The upgrade went smootly and 2 machines are running like a charm but on the laptop with W7 64bit ult. I got the same problem back. NIS 2013 green and OK and W7 center NIS should be switched on. W7 doesnot recognize that NIS is OK. Again when I manually switch off NIS and force W7 manually to switch it on the errors disappear. ???? Very frustrating.
I followed the autodetect-download-install path (a download over the previous version) Perhaps I should try an uninstall en clean install? Unless there are other suggestions?
Looked into the history but didn't find any disturbing flags. Normal business. Did a sfc scan no corrupt files.
Just removed all Norton files and did a clean install with NIS 2013. Looked promising buy after 2 > 3 minutes the errors came back.NIS 2013 says its OK and W7center reports NIS should be switched on????????????????
The problem becomes a real challenge. Pease any suggestions?
janno wrote:Looked into the history but didn't find any disturbing flags. Normal business. Did a sfc scan no corrupt files.
Just removed all Norton files and did a clean install with NIS 2013. Looked promising buy after 2 > 3 minutes the errors came back.NIS 2013 says its OK and W7center reports NIS should be switched on????????????????
The problem becomes a real challenge. Pease any suggestions?
Hi janno,
Please tell us what you mean by the blue sentence above? how did you remove all Norton files - physical search for Norton files and deleted them? Removed registry entries manually? Used a cleaner (such as CCleaner?
Then describe clean install - to me a clean install is removal of Norton via Control Panel, reboot, running the Norton Removal Tool,reboot,download a fresh copy of NIS (either using the yellow download button in my Norton Account or from the download link NIS -
If nothing seems astray with your responses, it may be time to start looking at Windows causing the problem somehow rather than continuing to look at Norton.
I removed NIS using the control panel, after reboot used the removaltool downloaded a fresh file from my Norton Account and run live update. After several reboots (live update) the flags turned red again.
I also found a recommondation of Windows:
I stopped Windows management Instrumentation (Windows Services) temporaly, deleted the map Wbem\Respository.
C:|Windows\System32\Wbem\Respository (incl all files and subfiles), rebooted to force Windows to update the Windows reports. In accordance to a Windowstech that should do the trick. But after some minutes red flags returned.
Apparently there is no communication between NIS 2013 and Windows on that laptop??
Thanks for the feedback - I am sorry, but I am out of suggestions. With all the removing, cleaning and reinstalling you have done with Norton - it appears to me something else is causing it.
Thanks for your respons and support. There is a conflict on this laptop and it becomes more and more unstable. I am getting even errors on errors on the W action center. Time to re-install
janno - have you checked your private messages? Yellow envelop in upper right hand corner of page.
After using all the fix tools available and a clean install of NIS I went for a totall clean install. W7 as well as NIS 2013. That went smootly till this morning as I checked the Windows updates. After clicking on a update with an error ( fixed that) on a clean system NIS went frenzy. CPU went up to 60% and more....a.o. ccsychst.exe 50%, symerr.exe 6%, sumerr.exe 5%.
Strang behaviour. Apparently a scan that can't be switched off? Nothing to find in the history? It happend only ones but I wonder What and Why?
Didden happen again.I mean the strang scan. Consider last event as an incident. Problem solved with a clear install. Although solved?