NIS turns off my network connection for the web

I own Norton now for over 10+ years and just upgraded my PC to Win 7 64-bit,  this is a new installation and installed Norton Internet 2012 64-bit.  The problem I have is the same problem 1000th other have ( search on Google ).  When I watch Adobe streaming videos from any web site Norton will kill the connection after a few minis.


I reinstalled windows,  I reinstalled Norton and still the same.  After 4 days of searching and trying all types of setting ( and more gray hair ) I finally found the cause ( not a fix ).


I have to turn of " Block Malicious Pages" for Norton Safe Surfing to stop killing my Internet connection and I have to reset my Network Adaptor.  I am not going to wired web sites,  I am talking going to "MSNBC,  Again every time I click on a video link and the web page opens in a new video window Norton kills the connection.  This is only through for the 64 bit Os and not for my other 32 bit PC's.


I feel like that I am not total protected and I wish Norton should step up to the plate and fix this!  I am not alone here their are 1000th and 1000th post on the web that having the same problem as I have.  Most people cannot relate to this because the don't understand the connection and thinking that there is something wrong with there Windows Installation.  So again Norton investigate this problem and issue an update.