First let me say it: God damn it!!. I have to get that out of my system.
I have been a long time user of NIS and a frequent reporter of bugs on this forum although this forum update has locked me out of my forum account and tied me into my norton account name (unbelivable)..... grrrrrr.
And my prior threads on this subject from prior NIS versions are locked! Look them up....
Over the years on at least 3 occasions I have had major multi-day outages because Norton staff do NOT test their product releases properly...
Tonight, again... just before the working week starts....another automatic guerilla update to ver and.... with a sense of dread....again... all macros cease to work.
These are password protected macros ---> inside password protected workbooks (double password). See old threads on this.
I can guarantee having gone through this MULTIPLE times before ... NOBODY on this forum can help me, so can I please ask up front if the reps can flag this directly for Symantec's attention as per prior threads. Even them 99% of Symantec staff wont know what the problem is or acknowledge the problem (see prior threads) but someone...somewhere...must know how to fix this as after a few days I get another version update and the macros start working again...
Please Symantec... get your programmers on this again and my god.... please make a freaken note to test this before you version updates!
How hard can it be to prevent this happening over and OVER and OVER again! I cant believe I pay for this product given all the hassle I have with it!
Microsoft say this behaviour may be caused by:
"This behaviour occurs if the computer is not running an active antivirus program that supports the scanning of encrypted content as supported by the Microsoft Antivirus API. In this case, macros are disabled in encrypted Office Open XML files."
The reason I chose NIS is because it was one of half a dozen that supported encrypted files.
As per prior... a tiny chance uninstalling and reinstalling with the binary (ie NOT patching an old version) may fix it, but Symantec stopped providing links to complete exe's some years ago. Is this still the case? Is a link available for a binary?