Quote by Tony Weiss
Attention: Firefox 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 users
As of this posting, we will only support Firefox 10.x and above
I think it is quite unreasonable for Norton to discontinue support so soon for the newer release versions of Firefox especially when these have not had sufficient time to settle in before release.
Quote from Norton Safe Web
Norton Safe Web Lite is FREE to anyone
This seems like the best alternative, but trying to install Norton Safe Web Lite results in the message ........
You already have Norton Internet Security installed: Toolbar already installed.
Yes, the toolbar is installed but Norton have simply disabled it in Firefox 8.0.1
Norton should not install the toolbar in the first place if it is not going to be supported.
According to Norton, Safe Web Lite can be installed in Firefox up to version 10.
I have no problems installing toolbars from other vendors like McAfee Site Advisor or Siber Systems Roboform so why are Norton making it so difficult?
I would like to have the protection of Safe Web Lite until I am able to upgrade to a more stable version of Firefox and so would like to install the Safe Web Lite Toolbar as soon as possible.
Can you please advise how to remove the NIS disabled toolbar so that I can install Safe Web Lite.