Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
After 6 plus sessions online w/ Symantec support, I’ve been informed that the AntiSpam COM Add-in toolbar will not work with my OS and Email client. The problem I’m having with this is that it was working fine until the latest big update to NIS2008 a few weeks ago. I’m now being told that it won’t work for MS Outlook 2003 on my Vista Home machine, and there aren’t any plans to support this feature in the near future. Please someone, tell me this isn’t true! I’d really like to have this useful tool functioning back on my machine. Anyone with ideas or suggestions on a fix would be greatly appreciated by a new community member (my very 1st post). Thank you in advance.
I am not sure whether it will work with Vista 32 bit. Let me try to figure it out. Meanwhile can you try the following.'
Start Microsoft Outlook.
On the Help menu, click About Microsoft Office Outlook.
Click Disabled Items.
Click Norton AntiSpam, and then click Enable.
Click OK.
Exit Microsoft Outlook.
Start Microsoft Outlook.
If you can add the Tracking number of your contact with Symantec that will enable someone to pick up the threads and find out what happened and what can be done.
Perhaps you would confirm the version of NIS2008 by giving the version number in Help & Suport / About.
I presume that your mail client is Outlook 2003 -- is that known to be VISTA Compatible?
Any further information you can give here will make it more likely that help can be given.
The techs used the Remote Control feature, and I only got the latest session # (629473) but I don't think this will be useful. No other numbers have been given to me. The following was part of an email that I got on 7.25.08 - Incident:080725-003284 as follow-up to one of my first chat sessions.
NIS2008 version #
I've been given the green light on compatibility everywhere I've turned so far as MS Outlook 2003 and Vista are concerned.
Re: the disabled items, each and every tech person checked this multiple times while I watched and nothing was listed on this list each and every time they checked it - nothing. Thanks for this idea.
Both & anyone else:
Email client: MicroSoft Office Outlook 2003 SP3
Vista Home Premium v. 6.0.6001 SP1 6001
Recent event: after the next to last tech session, I found the launch helper.exe file and double clicked it. Pop! the Norton Spam toobar appeared in my Outlook that was open and running. However my joy was short lived, as after closing the program and reopening, the toolbar was gone and never to be seen again; even after double clicking the same .exe file. The file's approx. location on my machine was C:/Program Files/Common Files/Symantec Shared/AntiSpam
I hope this additional info helps someone, even it there isn't a solution to this issue.
Fine let's see what other help comes up.
You should have a look at this thread in N360 Forum here since it claims a solution for what seems like your problem?
Thanks huwyngr,
The referenced thread is about Outlook 2007, which has a different menu list. My Outlook 2003 doesn't have "Trust Center" in the Tools menu. However, I can get to the list of Add-ons by way of:
Tools: Options: Other (tab): Advanced Options (button under General): COM Add-Ins...(button): this is where the AntiSpam is listed as enabled. I've done it all; disabled, enabled, restarted, closed and reopened, etc. Nothing worked.
The last Symantec tech uninstalled the Add-on pack for NIS2008 during the last session, and I have not reinstalled at this point, BUT I would really like to use this feature. Note: the tech had a heck of a time uninstalling the Add-on pack due to the uninstall routine detected Outlook was running (which it was in the background after closing the program ?? Glitch there ??) and had to use Windows Defender (Vista feature) to stop the MS Outlook 2003 process which was listed as still running.
Again, thank for the ideas and the help so far.
Good luck in resolving it.
Any idea why outlook is still running in the background once you close it? Maybe this is the path to follow to resolve the issue.
If you have Outlook open, go to Tools > Options > Mail Setup > Send Receive. Are any boxes checked under the heading "When Outlook is Offline"
Hi Phil_D,
No idea (yet) why the Outlook icon shows in my system tray near the clock, after closing the program. Right clicking gives me the drop down (in this case; up) menu w/ a few options like "Hide when minimized" and "Open Outlook." Although the later does not work, as the program is closed. I have thought that this might be a contributing factor to the issue of the AntiSpam toolbar that's part of the Add-on pack for NIS2008.
I did try your suggestion and found one item checked and unchecked it. No change so far. I'm going to restart the computer a few times to see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for your time and idea. I'll be doing some followup on Outlook hanging on in the system tray to see if that's the trick.
Are you able to check the running processes to confirm Outlook has closed once you think you have closed it? Curious that the icon shows in the system tray. In the taskbar properties it's not set to always show is it?
This next suggestion may be way out in left field, but if you are using MS Word as your editor in Outlook check this setting:
Open the Norton Protection Center. Go to Settings > Auto-Protect then click configure. Go to Real Time Protection > General and see if "Turn on scanning for Microsoft Office Documents" is unchecked (that's the default). If there is a check mark there, uncheck it and see what happens.
Hi again,
Yes, Word is the editor for Outlook and I followed your instruction to Check the settings and the box for Turning on scanning for MS Doc is unchecked.
As for the running processes, using Windows Defender> Tools> Software Explorer> changing category to: Currently running programs, MS Outlook is listed. I mentioned this in an earlier post, I have to manually kill the process and I've done it with Win Defender so the Add-on pack could be uninstalled. I'll have to figure out how to keep it from continuing to run even after I click the close button.
I'm looking for this fix as it might be adding to the problem with the AntiSpam toolbar issue that started this whole thing. Thanks for your idea.
Hi BP,
I will send you a message through the Private Message area of this site (the envelope in the upper right-hand corner) with the list of troubleshooting steps.Please try and let us know.
Best Regards,
I guess additional info would be helpful. A few of the chat techs from Symantec uninstalled and reinstalled the Add-on pack, repeatedly went to the Add-on tab and checked and unchecked the client integration boxes. Nothing worked.
I'm not holding my breath, but hoping someone knows more on this issue than what I've been lead to believe at this time. Thanks again.