NIS2013 and Windows XP sp3 -- poss. new info re: a previous post

On 10-14-2012 02:07 PM, peterweb gave some suggestions for how to revert to NIS2012 from NIS2013 due to a user's problem with a conflict between NIS2013 and Windows XP SP3.  One thing he did was to very helpfully post a link to a direct download of 2012, which is here:  So, for starters, I just wanted to send out a big THANK YOU for that link  ;)

What I am writing to note is that, since I didn't have that link until a few minutes ago, and didn't know how to "revert" automatically, I just copyied my direct back-up of my older (version NIS files back into the Norton INternet Security directory, and combed through my date-appropriate exported Registry "back ups" for all related data (and yups, it *is* time consuming and extremely boring...) and saved it as a new "*.reg" file that I imported into my current registry.

So far, that actually seems to be working - it's as though the Norton Power Eraser erased a bit *too* much, and NIS2013 now has access to some bit or snippet that it needs.  Or else some offending registry key was replaced - I haven't yet gone back into reg edit to look at whetehr entries were replaced or added or what.

Only time will tell whether this continues to work - and I most certainly did download NIS2012 from the above link just in case it doesn't!  But if it does continue to work, it might help direct someone to some idea of why NIS2013 and WinXPSP3 have been squabbling, and how to fix it.

Oh, and nope, so far, right up until I did the above, I just dismissed the "auto fix" tool, since neither the auto-fix, nor the manual (and just as tedious) repeated removal-and-reinstallation, did anything useful.

Anyway, I don't know whether that's useful to anyone, but just in case it is, I'll try to remember to post an update if/when I get more info...