Once again Symantec amazed me, this is my opinion after performing several tests.
The new version has significantly improved in all respects, and would like to list just some of the improvements that I have found:
Time to start the computer reduced by at least 10 seconds (tested on my Windows 7 PC with 2 GB of RAM and an Intel Core2 Quad @2,66 Ghz).
LiveUpdate occurs faster and without absorbing a large amount of RAM as occurred with NIS20 (apart from Smart Definitions that was set to ON or OFF).
The Norton toolbar has been completely redesigned in a more streamlined and functional than the last, with the missing of some utilities such as Facebook sharing, which I think were superfluous. I don't use VAULT, so I cannot make the comparison.
Reduced time to do a Full System scan (480.000 scanned in 22,5 min), while NIS20 took about 30 minutes to run the same scan.
Surfing the internet (with IE10) is slightly faster.
The "ccsvchst processes" are replaced by "NIS.exe", this makes things more intuitive, especially for less experienced users.
Other changes such as SONAR, the repair of Windows infected files that should have been improved, malware detection, etc., will be discovered by us (users), during the usage of the software.
I would like to thank Symantec, Tony Weiss and all those who have worked for the development of NIS 21.
Thanks again, Symantec!