Can someone enlighten me as what this means?
I'm trying to add a document from "Pages" ( a standard Apple word processing program ) and File Guard keeps telling me I can't add this type of file...
So then what type of file can you add? Kind of a stupid program if you can't add a regular document.
Some Pages documents from iWork '08 are unfortunately not a standard kind of document. They are actually a folder, make to look like a document. The folder contains a bunch of files. This is not true in iWork '09.
In the Finder application, right click (or control click) the Pages document and select "Show Package Contents". If that menu item exists and is available, this means Pages created a folder for your document. To protect the document, select the "Show Package Contents" menu item and find the "file" inside that folder that ends with "xml" or "plist" in the new window that the Finder will open. Drag THAT file into the Norton Confidential application's File Guard list to protect it.
Sorry for the problems.
Thanks, that helped alot…I got it to work…Thank you!