NMS has locked my Android phone

I installed NMS 2.0 on my Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 MINI last week. As far as I remember I have Android version 2.1 installed.


Today i rebooted my mobile and when it restarted NMS has locked it giving me a message that "device locked because SIM card has been changed".


I did not change my SIM card. I have tried entering my password but it won't accept it. I have tried sending the unlock text from my "trusted Buddy's" mobile in every combination possible, but this did not work either.


I have seen other posts in relation to the same issue with other Android phones and some have been solved by removing the 0 prefix but this has not worked for me. I am living in Ireland.


Does anyone have the solution to resolve this?

I installed NMS 2.0 on my Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 MINI last week. As far as I remember I have Android version 2.1 installed.


Today i rebooted my mobile and when it restarted NMS has locked it giving me a message that "device locked because SIM card has been changed".


I did not change my SIM card. I have tried entering my password but it won't accept it. I have tried sending the unlock text from my "trusted Buddy's" mobile in every combination possible, but this did not work either.


I have seen other posts in relation to the same issue with other Android phones and some have been solved by removing the 0 prefix but this has not worked for me. I am living in Ireland.


Does anyone have the solution to resolve this?

Jim may be right.  Was this the version of NMS from the Android Market or did you purchase it from a retail store?  Keep in mind that when you use the buddy unlock that the phone number is your buddy's and not your own. 

DistEd2 may be right but as Erik hints this effect can also arise with one of the two commercial versions of NMS currently on offer.  I have a SIM card lock on my phone and if I do not enter it instantly on reboot then Norton also locks me out.  I'm sure this will soon be fixed.


However if you are still having problems can you advise how certain you are that you have remembered your password correctly (don't forget it is case sensitive) and can you advise us of the exact format of the buddy message as sent by your buddy.  This format has regularly caused confusion in the past.


Good luck.

Thanks DistEd2,


I didn't get the message "PUK Lock" so hoping that I don't need to replace my SIM. If I can't resolve myself today will take it to my carrier and see if they can sort it out.

Hi Eric,


I am actually a Symantec employee and downloaded the software via our Employee program.


I did use my Buddy's number when I tried the unlock text, but the instructions are confusing. I am on a different network from my buddy, but the standard mobile prefixes in Ireland are 3 digit and the all start with 0. My network is 086 and my buddy is on 087.


I tried the following formats. All the txts were received by my phone as I could hear the notification tone. But none worked. I guess it might be more likely that the SIM is locked for some reason.


unlock 087XXXXXXX



"unlock 087XXXXXXX"


Hi Curlytaz


The message your buddy should send is


unlock 87123456789


with no capitals, no leading zero, no spaces other than between unlock and the number, and no symbols.  Oh and the number (given here at 87123456789) must be the number of your buddy's mobile.


Hope that helps.

You were close taz. Mike has the right format that should get you unlocked.

Thanks Andmike,


I got it resolved, asked a collegue who is familar with the issue. The number has to be entered absolutely identical to how it is saved in you phone. In my case it is saved with international prefix +353 so needed to include that.


In case anyone else gets the same problem the unlock text should be sent without " " marks, space between unlock and trusted buddy's number. Trusted Buddy's number must be entered exactly as you have it saved on your phone.


Learned some other useful information too the unlock txt can be sent from any phone it does not have to be your trusted buddy's phone or it can even be sent as a web text.


Glad to have my phone back!

Leaving out the quotation marks has been mentioned before along with the space. 


For you comment about the unlock text, you can unlock your device from any other device as long as you use your passcode.  Is that what you're commenting on?  Using a web text is not consistent, so I would not make that claim.  If the content of the text is beyond the basic SMS format the unlock will not work.


Glad you're back up and running.


Im having trouble with my mytouch 4g its an htc and i have t-mobile service i downloaded norton mobile security from the marketplace my phone died last night and when i turned it on today and it didnt give any trouble but it died again so when i put it on the charger i turned it back on and the message says device locked because sim card has been changed i didnt set up any password and i didnt set up any buddies i tryed the unlock 3xxxxxxxxx and it still didnt work im desperate please help me bro if possible....................

Hi goonzoe1804,


Sounds like you are having problems.  The main problem seems to be whatever is causing your phone to die but I see no reason to think that is NMS.


I am unaware of any occasion when NMS has locked a phone if Anti-Theft has not been set.  To set Anti-Theft you have to enter a password.  So can you think of a likely password that you might have set?  Remember it is case sensitive.


If you have forgotten your password then the way to get your phone back is to get a "buddy" to call you.  If you have set up any buddies then I think NMS should give you a hint as to who they are.


Not sure what you meant my trying "unlock 3xxxxxxxx" as the only way to unlock is to A) use your password B) use a buddy and possibly C) though I have never tried this, send a message "unlock Password" from another mobile to your own, but for that you need to know your password!


Has this helped at all?

I don't seem to be at the top of my form today, so you should go with Andmike's advice first! LOL


But another possibility if you decide it really isn't NMS locking your phone is that your SIM card's internal security has locked it. I had this happen to me shortly after I got my current smartphone, and ended up having to talk to my phone service provider so they could talk me through the process of factory unlocking the SIM...which didn't work. Ultimate solution was to buy a fresh SIM card and have my carrier swap it out for the old one, which was "PUK locked." Good news, such as it was, was that a new SIM only cost US$30.


So try Andmike's solution first, since I'm increasingly certain that he's got the more accurate understanding of this situation. But if it doesn't get you going again, contact your carrier, explain what happened, and see if it's actually your SIM that needs to be unlocked (or replaced). Good luck--and please let us know what happened, as we're seeing a few of these and are trying to validate the right approach.