No help for Windows 10 upgrade. Worse than useless support.

Sooooo...Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop took forever (almost 6 hours) but it works awesome (faster than Win7 on the same old machine).  One issue. Norton tanked. Disappeared. Tried all of the "solutions" on the Norton Support site. No joy. Norton Remover, check. Reinstall - hangs at "starting" (and yes, I waited, over 12 hours. it was frozen). Reboot. Norton is there but will not start and gets an error message, searching for a solution leads you to a link for Remove and Reinstall, when you click it you get informed its an old version and another link to a newer version (isn't that get to download it twice!)  Try that.  Still hangs after download and trying to install.  Nothing works. Try online support.  After over an hour stuck as number "16 in the queue," I give up.  Sorry, but there was ample time to test and prepare for this NORTON.  You can't blame Microsoft for this one - it is all on you.  Your performance sucking product was always two steps behind the power curve, but I think this is the last straw.  If you can't fix it, like tomorrow, I'm done.  Fini.  No more Norton for me on any Win10 box.  I expect Microsoft to screw this up, but you, you should know better.