No More In-Program Chat?

I used to be able to open the Norton Internet Security interface and launch an in-program chat session with a Symantec technician. Has this gone away?


I have a minor but annoying issue with NIS 2012. I'd like to chat about it with a Symantec tech, but that does not seem possible.


I launched the interface and clicked on Support > Get Support. After a few seconds I received this message (see the attachment): "We have successfully fixed 1 item(s)." And what item was fixed? They don't say. According to the clipboard ("Copy to Clipboard") it was "Error: 0, 0", whatever that means.


Norton Autofix.JPG


Nevertheless, my original issue remains, and there seems to be no way to chat. If I click on "Open Support Web Site" I get dumped to the bot (Nathan).