we made it pass APR 15th and no beta of norton 2013 its now APR 20th and it looks like still no norton 2013 beta will it come out on APR 21st like norton 2011 beta ??? likey not that its now that weekend
so where is norton 2013 beta if it dos not come out on the 21st of APR like norton 2011 did when it came out in beta then its going too be late this year i hop there not going to make us wait in tell july 14th be come thats when norton 2009 beta came out i will be pull my hair out am really dieing too see what norton 2013 line up will have for us this year and i hop they come out with it soon or i got nuts
so far
norton 2009 beta came out july 14th
norton 2011 beta came out APR 21st
norton 2012 beta came out APR 15th
norton 2013 beta ???? i hop its be for may