No option to choose specific day and time for scheduled anti-malware scan

Anti-Malware > Scheduled Scan > Daily / Weekly / Monthy: there is no option to specify a day or time for schduled scan.


Please add this option in next update. Anti-Malware always takes place in day time when I am using the phone, that slows down other processes.


And even I switched off the schduled scan, it always scans my system automatically. Please fix.

Anti-Malware > Scheduled Scan > Daily / Weekly / Monthy: there is no option to specify a day or time for schduled scan.


Please add this option in next update. Anti-Malware always takes place in day time when I am using the phone, that slows down other processes.


And even I switched off the schduled scan, it always scans my system automatically. Please fix.

Hi darrenl.


You are not the only one who would like to see the scan time being amendable by the user - that's a Me Too.PNG


However I am surprised that it is causing any serious problem.  Under the latest version, even if the SD card is scanned it seems to get the process over pretty quickly.  Have you tried timing it?


And you are right it does scan at other times.  It does this when it has just downloaded a new set of definitions, I think it makes sense to do a scan just after that as it may be able to find something it had previously missed.  The issue on timing there however may be whether you actually want it do a LiveUpdate when you are trying to do something else.  Under the latest version it does appear that even with the return of the manual LiveUpdate button the app is regularly trying to connect and run LiveUpdate.  I was not aware of it doing this in the past so I assume it has been augmented in the current version.  And if you think about it, it does seem a good idea to get the latest definitions as soon as possible, though I can see some people wanting the ability to inhibit this.


So, like you I would like greater control over when the scheduled scan is run and hope that the team will pick up on this.  Though I am surprised it is causing any real problems.  The rest of my post is just background info that I hope you may find of some interest.


All the best.

Norton employees may have never seen this thread. Most responses here are from users like you and I.

This might be a good suggestion for the Product Suggestions board

Norton employees do look at that forum board.

I am really sorry but why is this still not fixed after three years? Hello, we are living in 2017 not in 1917!