The earlier thread about this topic appears to be archived/read-only.
It's been well over a year now, but your Internet Security suite still is not offering Safe Web protection for the Safari browser.
It's even more frustrating that Symantec has now rolled out minimal blacklist protection in a less-used Mac product, but still hasn't added that functionality to its "flagship" NIS product for Apple's native web browser.
It's bad enough that NIS 4 users no longer have Safe Web protection because Symantec no longer will update their older NIS 4 software, allegedly because you're focused on the current version, but Lion and Mountain Lion users who are using your latest version are still missing functionality in the product.
Symantec has repeatedly said that supporting Safari is important, and that functionality will be added, but after a year of making the same promises, they've still not delivered.
It appears that Symantec is content to rip off customers by dropping support or leaving out functionality, yet still expects customers to buy/renew the product(s) at full price.
When my subscription ends this month, I see no benefit to renew, first since you still aren't protecting your customers who use Safari, and second, are now abandoning existing NIS 4 subscribers who also no longer have Safe Web/toolbar protection, even in Firefox.
If you're not going to support a product, such as NIS 4, stop selling (or bundling) it, because it's just not fair for your customers who still need to run Snow Leopard.
For what it's worth, I've been a Norton (for Windows) customer for over a decade, but have been more and more disappointed by your Mac products which are still missing features and functionality that exist in your Windows versions. You should stop ripping off Mac customers by charging us the same price as Windows customers until you can actually deliver a product will all the functionality that the Mac version should offer.