NOBU 2.0 Purge Files

I have purged all the files in my backup storage space, but it still shows 5.5 gigs used.  How am I able to free up all the storage space on my online backup storage?  The purge function seems broken or improperly designed.

I too have the same problem... most frustrating. Help is certainly needed. Wioll watch your post.



Please send me a private message containing the following and I can have an engineer take a look at your account:


  • The email address you use to login to NOBU
  • If there are any endpoints/data you want purged

I also have the issue that NOBU reports far more backed up data than is listed.  My online backup for three computers, based on the logs, is a little less than 14gb, but NOBU tells me I have 24+ in use.  I have deleted and reinstalled a vista computer a couple of times because it was hung up.  I have reviewed in detail the files that are listed on the server.  There is simply not 24gb of data listed.  How can I get the counts reset to what is actually present?



Please send me the same information requested earlier in this thread via private message and I can have your account quota checked out.