NOBU Error Code A8989

Added a New Computer to my Devices List online.  New Computer is running Windows 8.1.  Downloaded and installed latest version of NOBU software.  Right-clicked the desktop icon; and, clicked "Run as administrator".  Clicked "Yes" on the confirmation box.  Backup started - visual confirmation on the browser screen (Google Chrome) and Desktop NOBU icon confirmation.  Only have 3 computers of the 5 included in my subscription. Research has indicated that A8989 is a server maintenance issue.  However, I find that hard to believe.  I don't believe the account information is being updated.  If I'm correct, there should be a separate error code stating that account information has not been updated to the server.  Has anyone had a similar experience in 2015.  My research went back to 2013 and 2012; so, this is an ongoing problem.