Norton 2010 emptying the pool again - just like a fat kid doing the cannonball!!!!

There have been at least one occasion where a buggy update to Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition that caused one of the NTFS subroutines to empty the nonpaged pool in Windows...


Well it appears that behavior is back in Norton Antivius 2010! Awesome!


So friends, go ahead and connect to a file share that is hosted on a computer running Norton Antivirus 2010 and try to copy a large file, or a group of small files, or whatever you like to that share from another computer on the network. Then sit back and wait and watch the copy process die. You will no longer be able to connect to the share. The resource will be unavailable. The host computer will have many Event ID 2017 logged. You will have to reboot the host and disable autoprotect to successfully transfer the file.


After you reboot and while you are disabling autoprotect, take a minute to ask yourself, "why, oh why, did I give Norton another chance?" running on Windows 7 Ultimate RTM.