Norton 2011 AV and Symantec Antivirus


I have Symantec Antivirus installed on my PC ... which is no longer receiving updates. 


I purchased Norton AV, but it conflicts giving me an error message saying Symantec is installed, and I need to uninstall that.


Problem is, it is an old program that was installed a while ago, and the system administrator that would know the password, is at a company that no longer exists.  I have no way to remove the Corporate Symatec Antivirus Program or access to any passwords.


Please help.

If mdturner's route does not work then try:


For corporate edition products please visit the STN forums at their new location: 


for more help.


If all else fails you might try the Norton OnLine Support via the CHAT route as below since they have all sorts of tools and are very helpful from all the feedback we get here.


To contact customer support Click on this link and work on from there. You may have to scroll down a little to see the SCAN button.

You can choose CHAT or Email; email or phone may have a long wait time and feedback from users tells us that CHAT is by far the best at resolving problems.

Note that that link is to the USA/CAN website so if you are located elsewhere I'm sure you will be able to find the equivalent location on your local Symantec website; some pages have a link at the top right where you can select the country you are located in.

Please let us know how you get on .... 


I have Symantec Antivirus installed on my PC ... which is no longer receiving updates. 


I purchased Norton AV, but it conflicts giving me an error message saying Symantec is installed, and I need to uninstall that.


Problem is, it is an old program that was installed a while ago, and the system administrator that would know the password, is at a company that no longer exists.  I have no way to remove the Corporate Symatec Antivirus Program or access to any passwords.


Please help.

Hello Brian_S


From one of mdturner's older posts, you could also try this solution if you feel comfortable going into the registry and of course backing up before making any changes you might make.  This might be a 2nd thing to try if the first don't work.

If you read the link posted by floplot, it says that the cleanwipe tool will remove the product without asking for a password.

The person spelled it wrong but "CleanWipe" is the Symantec version of the Norton removal tool and will remove most Symantec corporate products.



OK, we'll give these a try and see what becomes of me. .... :-)



Wow .... that was awesome.  The password was symantec.


Thanks so much for helping, to everyone!

