I've seen the thread which discusses delayed loading of the NIS 2013 system tray icon. My problem is similar, but the icon doesn't seem to load at all, unless I manually launch Norton Internet Security via the Start-menu (Windows 7, 64 bit). If I manually launch, the Norton icon will appear, but it does not persist more than a few minutes after I close the Norton windows.
This is not merey a nuisance, it seems Norton is not working as it should when the icon is not there. E.g. If I download a file from the web, I am sometimes unable to launch it (by double clicking in the Firefox download list) as usual. If I then manually launch NIS, the Download scan will happen with a small sign saying the file is safe, and only then can I use the file.
Another peculiarity is that if I install a new version of a program (e.g. Firefox just autoupdated to version 16), NIS seems to not give Firewall access to the newly installed version. I just updated Fiddler, and encountered the same problem. When I manually launched NIS, it seemed to fix the Firewall issue and I was then able to use Fiddler.
I don't want to keep manually launching NIS every 2 minutes. Why has Norton not given any official feedback on this? Symantec, don't just stand there, do something! Say something!