Norton 360 5.0 and Windows Live Mail 2011

I just installed the new version of 360, under windows 7 ultimate 32-bit. I am using this program for years and I am very satisfied, except the point that it is not working with windows live mail. As I can see, this problem still remains in the new version. There is no sign that 360 5.0 scans the emails that I recieve and send. Also, in the Anti Spam settings, under the client  integration settings there is only Outlook and Outlook express, which are not available to use (I don't have installed outlook).

Is there something that I can do to make norton 360 work with Live Mail?



unfortunately Norton 360 5.0 do not support Windows Live Mail 2011. At the time there's no info about future support.

Office 2010 64-bit is unsupported as well.


Windows 7 SP1 is fully compatible with the final release of Norton 360 5.0.

I just installed the new version of 360, under windows 7 ultimate 32-bit. I am using this program for years and I am very satisfied, except the point that it is not working with windows live mail. As I can see, this problem still remains in the new version. There is no sign that 360 5.0 scans the emails that I recieve and send. Also, in the Anti Spam settings, under the client  integration settings there is only Outlook and Outlook express, which are not available to use (I don't have installed outlook).

Is there something that I can do to make norton 360 work with Live Mail?

PapauZ wrote:


unfortunately Norton 360 5.0 do not support Windows Live Mail 2011. [ ... ]

Is it not the same as with NIS 2011? That it does not put any spam buttons on the toolbar but it still scans email, will mark them Norton AntiSpam and if you write a message rule -- dead easy; it's on the Folders group of the toolbar of WLM -- it will put all messages marked Norton AntiSpam into the Junk Folder that already exists or if you create a Spam or Norton Spam folder into that oen ....


That's what NIS 2011 does for me in WIndows 7 Windows Live Mail Version 2011 (Build 15.4.3508.1109)

It's a shame that the program doesn't coorporate with these popular email clients. The protection by email threats is a serious reason to install an antivirus software. Does anybody knows if there is any possibility for symantec to try to fix that problem?

mmoukiou wrote:

It's a shame that the program doesn't coorporate with these popular email clients. The protection by email threats is a serious reason to install an antivirus software. Does anybody knows if there is any possibility for symantec to try to fix that problem?

As I said already, in my experience it cooperates fine: it flags spam and sorts it into the junk folder after I set the rule to do that. I can cancel the Norton AntiSpam flag on a message or set one manually but not with a toolbar button and that it does not remove the Norton AntiSpam flag is not new to WLM.


And it DOES scan your email if you want it to.


That's my understanding since something is putting up popops from time to time or deleting malware attachments to email -- my wife got the Postal Express Trojan the other day ... well all she go was the email and the attachment had been quarantined / deleted.

Please, can you explain me how I can create a rule?


Yes, yes, as Hugh wrote, Norton products do scan the standard POP and SMTP mail protocols, but the program do not have the extra toolbar for all of the mail clients in the world, only for some limited ones: Office Outlook 2003-2010 x86 + Outlook Express 6 + Windows Mail (Vista one!).




To create a rule for organizing mails do these steps:

So, it scans the mesages without any settings by me? It is just "silent" and I can't see it working? If so it's OK.

Yes, and will mark every spam as [Norton Spam] Subject in your Inbox.


I added a page to my previous post how you can add rules in WLMail. If you have time, please check it.

Thank you very much.



Thanks for posting the link to making a message rule.


I'd only add that the images date back to April 2010 and are nothing like the present WLM 2011 until you get to the actual rule making.


WLM that I have has a ribbon tool bar with icons all over the place but it's broken into several TABs at the top level and to get to Rules you have to select the TAB Folders


I'll be in that version in a little while and I'll look at the images again.