Every time I run the Registry Clean up task my WIDCOM bluetooth software starts to report errors. It seems in the details tab that a number of entries with reguard to the bluetooth driver are removed. Once i re-install the WIDCOM driver everything is back to normal.
This is a repeatable problem with the Registry Clean-up task in NORTON 360 version 5.x. I do not know were this log file is located that contains all the details of what is cleaned up. I the details view does not give a report to export them also.
Every time I run the Registry Clean up task my WIDCOM bluetooth software starts to report errors. It seems in the details tab that a number of entries with reguard to the bluetooth driver are removed. Once i re-install the WIDCOM driver everything is back to normal.
This is a repeatable problem with the Registry Clean-up task in NORTON 360 version 5.x. I do not know were this log file is located that contains all the details of what is cleaned up. I the details view does not give a report to export them also.
We're looking into this issue from our end. In the meantime, it would be helpful to see the Reg items that are getting picked up in the scan. Since you are able to consistently repro this, please run the scan again and then either take a screenshot of the Details window showing all of the items and save it or you can go into the Security History and click on the 'export' link at the bottom of the window and save the entire security history.