The only difference between my situation and the original poster is I have had this computer for 3 years and Norton 360 is the only security program that has ever been installed and has worked perfectly until now.
I tried the dll change suggested in the prior thread and it works, but when you reboot the computer the PC action reappears. I am not looking to do this change every time I reboot.
Is there any way to resolve this permanently? I am more than a little concerned I am not protected, although it appears Norton 360 is running.
When I try to resolve the PC action center message it tells me for example to turn on a firewall and when I click turn on Norton it shows me a path c:\programfiles(x86)\norton360\engine\20.20.36\WSCStub.exe.
Not sure if I should turn it on there since it already appears to be up and running. Not sure if this is some kind of trick trying to get me to download a malicious program or just a glitch from windows or a problem with Norton.
I system restored to before the WIndows Update. Now I am only getting the PC Action message that my network firewall is off. I tested the firewall and Norton 360 firewall is working.
Not sure why this message remains. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Did another retsrat and now back to 3 action items again telling me I have no virus protection, firewall or spyware protection. This is without the latest microsoft update.
So I rolled back to a time before I had this issue and I still have the issue.
If Norton 360 is working there is some kind of communication error between Norton and Win 7.
If it is not working or something is turning it off whenever I restart I guess I have bigger problems.
Anyway to figure out which it is? I really am afraid to go about my business today if Norton is not working properly.
System Restore often breaks Norton and can cause as many problems as it solves, so I would suggest you export your ID Safe data in both DAT and CSV format to somewhere you can find it, like a USB flash drive, then download and run the Norton Remove & Reinstall Tool. Remember to run Live Update, restarting where required, until no more updates are available.
Thanks. I contacted Norton support via the live chat tool and he walked me through several uninstalls and reinstalls with registry changes and the problem is solved.