Norton 360 Auto Scan

I think I was already clear about that, but its good to hear it again.


I think the big issue is still whether the manual Tuneups, scans and backups affect the display in Scan Details (i.e.  PC Security / view details / virus and spyware more info)  and in the display of .PC Tuneup view details, and in Scan Details for Backup. I can only say that on two machines running XP SP3 and Norton v2 here, that neither the scans, tuneups or Backups actually take place when scheduled. I have idle time off. I have posted a separate thread on this but there has been no response.


Suffice to say also, that nobody has yet posted that their backups and scans take place when scheduled if they use any setting other than "automatic".


I'm sure it wont be long before other contributors make postings. Meanwhile, you will no doubt be aware of two things.


1. That the machine needs to be idle for the auto quick scan to cut in, and


2. You can change the setting from auto to manual and select frequency.


If you are at all concerned that the scan is not taking place, just force a scan and tuneup, or follow 2. above and change to weekly and select a time and turn off "only run at idle time".


If this works you have no problem, unless the situation persists, in which case I would suggest looking at Windows Task Manager or use procexp and check out CPU usage and see if the machine goes idle when you do not use it or whether there is some task always running and using resource which is preventing the scan and tuneup from starting.


I am sorry that I cannot directly answer your question which I consider to be something along the lines:


"what are the parameters against which a scan and tuneup is initiated when the scheduling for PC Security  and PC Tuneup is set to 'Automatic' ?". For example how long does the machine have to be idle, what is the period between attempted scans etc.