Norton 360 Backup not working

I have just renewed my subscription by purchasing Norton 360 from a shop rather than online through my previous version -

for a valued customer it was £65 but only £39 from a shop? I now find my back up is not working.

Manage My Backup through my Norton 360 shows I have 0KB of available space and a "clink here to activate your secure online

storage" which doesn't work saying it's unable to set it up.

When I access my Norton account online and click through to access my online backup files for my latest Norton 360 product

it shows I am using 20% of 4GB with what appears to be 3 backup sets; 1 un-named, 1 named Laptop: My Documents and the

other laptop: My Documents. From the File Actions tab I only have the options to download a file and email file links for

all of them. I don't have the option to delete or purge any of them.

How do I get the backup to work again?

I did the renewal by just using the new key. I didn't uninstall or use the new disc so no new install

I have just renewed my subscription by purchasing Norton 360 from a shop rather than online through my previous version -

for a valued customer it was £65 but only £39 from a shop? I now find my back up is not working.

Manage My Backup through my Norton 360 shows I have 0KB of available space and a "clink here to activate your secure online

storage" which doesn't work saying it's unable to set it up.

When I access my Norton account online and click through to access my online backup files for my latest Norton 360 product

it shows I am using 20% of 4GB with what appears to be 3 backup sets; 1 un-named, 1 named Laptop: My Documents and the

other laptop: My Documents. From the File Actions tab I only have the options to download a file and email file links for

all of them. I don't have the option to delete or purge any of them.

How do I get the backup to work again?

Sorry for the delay in response. Which version of Norton do you use? You can find it from Support > About. Did you try uninstall/reinstall? If not, try that first:




my backup wont work either! i didnt renew as mine ran out a year ago but I bought a disc i can log in where it tells me i have used 0% of 2gb i leave it logged in and go back to autofix and it says we cannot do at this time try again or i am told to log into norton to activate backup when i still have it open on the web ive sent 3 messages to customer services and not had one reply! feel theyre not interested now they have my money! if you find the answer let me know thank you! :))

Hi Sharoot66,


Sorry for the trouble and inconvenience this has caused you. Did you try uninstall/reinstall using Norton Remove & Reinstall Tool as I suggested in my previous post? If not, please try that and let me know the results. Please don't worry, we're always here to assist you further.




I am having the same issue here.  Upgraded to Norton One and installed Norton 360.  Never used Norton Online backup before.  Used the Norton Removal tool to remove all Norton references on the computer.


Running Windows 7 Ultimate on one machine and Windows 7 Home Premium on another.  Both get this same error.  When I "Click here to activate Secure Online Storage", I get a message "We are unable to proceed with Norton Account at this time.  Please try again later."



I just had this problem too (for 2 days) with that exact same "we cannot at this time try again later".  what worked for me was to log out then back in. From the main n360 screen, on the right hand side, i clicked "Manage" then clicked log out. then when i logged in again, it activated no problem. hope that works for you too. worth a shot. good luck

Hello Mah500,

Welcome to Norton Community!!!


                  Follow the below steps to perform online backup


1) Launch Norton 360

2) Click 'MANAGE' widget   (which will be present in the right hand side )

3) Click 'LOG OUT' link in the 'Welcome to Norton Management' screen

4) Now click 'ACCOUNT' link  (Present at the top)

5) Register to Norton Account

6) Now run backup


Perform the above steps and let us know the result to serve you better :)