Can you please indicate which version of Norton 360 you are running (please open Norton 360, go to "Help & Support" and then to "About") and which operating system (including service packs and bit version) you have got?
Thanks for the information and for your patience. I will ask Yogesh to look at your issue - he is currently offline and it is the weekend, so it might take a day or two until he answers. I am sorry to hear about your problem and hope that it can be resolved soon.
Let us know where exactly you are trying to backup and what file you have selected for backup currently. I would suggest you to disable the backup, run LiveUpdate repeatedly until you receive all the available updates, restart the computer and re-enable the backup. After that, try to run backup to any of your internal drives.
For some reason N360 backup refuses to backup any files it thinks are "encrypted". I do not know why or how it decides they are encrypted. I have had this problem in the past and got around it by a process of elimination, i.e. excluding folders until the problem went away and then if necessary adding back in folders and files that I specifically wanted. I think if you look at the report produced after the failure it may list the files that it did not like but I found the list very long and difficult to work through.
If I recall correctly the folders that seemed to be troubling it were not ones I was really worried about as they were more ones put in by the system than ones containing my data.
I hope that helps. If not do come back, and hopefully I or someone else will be able to do better next time. ;-)
Is there enough space for the files to be backed up? There’s a link below that suggests that the back up on a local drive is not encrypted by Norton when the back up occurs.
I think the question you are attempting to answer relates to how Norton handles the files it backs up, whereas I believe that Harley55's question relates to something that Norton reports when looking at the user's original files.